Hensikten med brønnen var å teste potensialet for hydrokarboner i øvre jura reservoarer tilsvarende som i funnene Pil, Bue, Boomerang og Draugen.
Brønn (6406/12-5 S T2) traff en 557 meter tykk seksjon av øvre jura sandstein. Foreløpige analyser viser at reservoaret har gode reservoaregenskaper, men at det var tørt.
«Well 6406/12-5 S followed on directly from the Boomerang exploration well which encountered a 26 metre gross Upper Jurassic intra-Spekk/Rogn sandstone containing estimated recoverable resources of between 13 and 31 million barrels of oil equivalent,» skriver Faroe Petroleum i en pressemelding.
“Whilst the results of the Blink well, the last in this year’s campaign, are disappointing, we look forward to advancing the options for monetising the significant combined Pil, Bue and Boomerang discoveries, on which the Blink well result has no bearing, sier Graham Stewart, adm. dir. i Faroe.
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