Brønnen bores i Norskehavet, 190 km nordvest for Bergen. Brønnen bores i letelisens 554 i blokk 34/6. Brønnen skal undersøke Cook-formasjonen i Uptonia-strukturen.
Letesjefen i Total, Paul Sexton, sier i pressemeldingen at: “The main objectives are to examine the potential presence of hydrocarbons in the Cook Formation and to define the reservoir properties and fluid characterization.”
Brønnen bores av riggen Leiv Eiriksson. Den skal bores til 4150 meter.
Fakta om brønnen:
- Location: North Sea, 190 km northwest of Bergen
- Production licence 554, block 34/6
- Well number: 34/6-4
- Water depth: 390 metres
- Total E&P Norge (40%) is operator. Partners are Spike Petroleum (30%), Svenska Petroleum (20%) and Det Norske (10%)
Les pressemeldingen fra Total her