The market for asset acquisitions in Norway has become highly competitive and fully valued, and investing in exploration is now all the more attractive as a means for portfolio development.
At NCS Exploration Strategy in Stavanger on November 14-15, authorities, oil companies, service companies, financial advisors and energy experts are meeting to discuss exploration strategies on the NCS and exploration as an investment object.
Program highlights
Neivan Boroujerdi from Wood Mackenzie joins us to talk about exploration in a global perspective and Graeme Bagley from Westwood Global Energy will talk about the worlds hot spots for exploration.
Nick Richardson of the OGA will talk about exploration opportunities on the UKCS, and Hans Martin Veding from NPD will shed light on the NPD’s methods for resource estimation.
Daniel Rennemo from PwC will talk about the process of acquiring exploration assets and Teodor Sveen-Nilsen from Sparebank 1 Markets will talk about exploration as an investment opportunity.
Company presentations
Petrolia NOCO
Lime Petroleum
DEA Norge
Spirit Energy
Lotos E&P
RN Nordic
Aker BP
M Vest Energy
DNO Norge
MOL Norge
OMV Norge
Neptune Energy