– I have a clear memory of oil dripping from cores in well 7119-12-1, says Torbjørn Throndsen who has worked with source rocks on the NCS for almost 40 years.
Torbjørn is referring to the very first well in the Barents Sea, drilled in 1980, but it turned out that the droplets e tasted were all residual oil. However, the oil proved that the Hammerfest Basin was generating oil, and therefore gave a lot of encouragement to the oil community.
Since then Throndsen has gathered a substantial database from released wells, and he is now certain that there are source rocks from at least three different levels: the Upper Jurassic, the Middle Triassic and the Palaeozoic. He adds that both the Cretaceous and the Palaeocene may have good source rocks, but so far he cannot attribute any of them to any discovery.
-There is still a lot we do not understand about the Barents Sea source rock, and getting a better understanding of generation, expulsion and migration is key to find more oil and gas in this huge region, Torbjørn Throndsen says.
At the forthcoming Hydrocarbon Habitats seminar (Oslo, April 5; Stavanger April 7) Torbjørn Throndsen will share his unfiltered opinions with a talk entitled “4D facies modelling in petroleum system analysis of the Barents Sea TFO area».
See the program here.