Tommeliten Alpha is a gas/condensate discovery in Cretaceous chalk that was made in 1977 with 1/9-1. ConocoPhillips is operator.
1/9-1: The Danian chalk (Ekofisk Formation) was reached at 3043.5 m just below a marl section. It consisted of two hydrocarbon bearing zones. Zone 1 from 3043.5 m to 3071.5 m and a tighter zone 2 from 3071.5 m to 3103.5 m. Maastrichtian (Tor Formation) starts at about 3103.5 m and is also hydrocarbon bearing with water saturations below 50% down to 3141.5 m. A transition zone with gradually increasing water content is seen from 3134.0 m down to 3182.5 m. Apart from in the oil bearing reservoirs weak oil shows on minor sandstones were recorded in the interval 2947 to 2958 m; weak to good oil shows were seen on limestone in the interval 3300 m to 3500 m; and finally weak oil shows were seen occasionally from 3645 m to 3675 m.
Through this transaction Equinor will divest its 42.38% interest in the Tommeliten Unit (PL 044 TA) and 30% interest in PL 044. Both are operated by ConocoPhillips. Net recoverable resources in Tommeliten Alpha are 52 million barrels of oil equivalent.
With a cost of USD 220 million, this means 4.2 USD/barrel.
“Equinor is committed to transforming the Norwegian Continental Shelf for decades to come. Realising this ambition requires prioritisation. We are selling this asset, so we can direct our efforts towards priority projects and assets that create higher value for us,” says Jez Averty, senior vice president for operations in the southern North Sea.
This transaction follows Equinor’s sale of its operated interest in the King Lear discovery to Aker BP on 15 October.
Tommeliten er et gass- og kondensatfelt lokalisert 11,8 km vest for Edda i Ekofiskområdet. Tommeliten består to forekomster, Gamma og Alfa. Tommeliten Gamma ligger i blokk 1/9, og ble funnet under boring for Statoil med oljeplattformen Ross Rig. Utvinningstillatelse 044 ble tildelt i 1976. Funnet var det første for Statoil som selvstendig leteoperatør. Feltet ble godkjent for utbygging den 12. januar 1986. Phillipsgruppen overtok utvinningslisensen etter at Statoil avsluttet produksjonen i 1998. Funnet 1/9-1 Tommeliten Alpha er foreløpig ikke bygget ut, men operatøren ConocoPhillips vurderer en utbygging. (Norsk Oljemuseum).