Brave. Potential. Challenges. Impact. Live reporting. Demonstration. Improving. Discovery. Success.
These are some words describing the content of the May conference 2015. The aim of the conference is to demonstrate how recent advances in exploration technology have helped making new discoveries, and how they can contribute to future discoveries. The industry is now experiencing times of reduced oil price, cost efficiency and reduced activity. It is in times of reduced activity it is important to look ahead, and this will be emphasized by the keynote speakers looking into the future of exploration technology and by analyzing value creation despite low oil price.
The conference will be focusing on which opportunities are available with existing and new technology, and give examples on how these have been integrated in interpretation and de-risking. Several speakers are sharing lessons learned from interesting basins and discoveries on the Norwegian Continental Shelf.
Without being too bold, we can say that Norway is in the forefront within exploration technology. Seismic acquisition technology and processing, electromagnetic technology, and interpretation software are examples. This should form the best basis for these two conference days in Oslo.
Last year we saw the first Prospect Fair in Norway, and we will follow up the success this year. Nine exhibitors have taken the opportunity to share prospects and ideas with delegates from the oil companies, and several oil companies will present opportunities for business development.
Identifying new discoveries demands skilled geoscience personnel, creative thinking and cooperation between disciplines. It may be in times of cost reduction that new ideas have to be made and technology leaps are taken. The conference and prospect fair gives the opportunity to share knowledge and ideas for improving the exploration for future discoveries, large or small.
Welcome to the Recent Advances 2015 conference and the NCS Prospect Fair.
Geological Society of Norway