Forbruket av fossile brennstoffer i Kina vil nå en topp på 2,93 milliarder tonn oljeekvivalenter (21 milliarder fat oljeekvivalenter) i 2035, skriver
Oil consumption should increase by 2%/year to 670 Mtoe (4,7 billion barrels o.e.) by 2027 (529 Mtoe in 2015) before declining to 500 Mt (3,5 billion barrels o.e.) in 2050.
Gas consumption should also grow from 187 bcm in 2015 to 510 bcm in 2030 and to 710 bcm in 2050.
Even if coal should remain the dominant energy source by 2050, its share in primary energy consumption could decline from 64% in 2015 to 37% in 2050.
Indeed, the share of non fossil fuels should rise from the current 12% to more than 30% of the energy mix by 2050.
Konsekvensen er selvsagt at CO2-utslippene i Kina vil avta merkbart.