Nordic Mining melder om et resultat etter skatt på pluss 81,9 millioner kroner i 1. kvartal 2019, mot minus 13,7 millioner kroner i samme periode året før.
Overskuddet skyldes investeringen i finske Keliber der det er koonkretee planer om å utvinne litium.
«In February 2019, Keliber raised EUR 10 million from existing shareholders to finance ongoing development work and other pre-construction activities. The implied value in the capital raise exceeded the book value recorded by Nordic Mining by NOK 98 million which is recognized as a gain in the consolidated financial statements for Q1 2019.»
Keliber vil bli den første produsenteen av litium i Europa, og nåverdien etter skatt er beregnet til 405 millioner dollar. Nordic Mining har en eierandel på 18,5 prosent.
Nordic Minings hovedvirksomhet er rutil- og granatgruven i Engebøfjellet i Naustdal kommune.I beste fall kan arbeidet med å bygge gruven begynne i 2. kvartal 2020, mens første malmlast kan sendes til markedet 2. kvartal 2022.
«In January 2019, Nordic Mining signed a Heads of Agreement with a reputable Japanese trading house relating to long term offtake for rutile and participation with a substantial portion of the construction financing for the Engebø project. The offtake on rutile is complementary to the Heads of Agreement previously entered into with the Barton Group relating to offtake and commercial cooperation for garnet from Engebø.»
«Application for operating license filed In February 2019, Nordic Mining filed an application for operating licence for the Engebø project with the Norwegian Directorate of Mining. Approval is expected within 12 months. The operating license will regulate operational scope, methodology and procedures to secure safe and efficient production of the mineral resources. The zoning plan for the mining and processing areas and the environmental permit for the project have already been granted.»