Denne uken arrangerer EAGE (European Association of Geoscientists and Engineers) sin årlige konferanse som i år er lagt til Oslo (Lillestrøm). Organisasjonens medlemmer er faglig involvert innen blant annet petroleumsleting, geofysikk, geologi, CO2-lagring og gruvedrift. Det er altså de som jobber med undergrunnen som er målgruppen.
Under åpningsseremonien ble årets priser delt ut, og Lukas Mosser fikk utmerkelsen The Van Weelden Award 2024.
Mosser er Advanced Data Scientist i Aker BP og har tidligere jobbet som Head of Research and Development i Earth Science Analytics.
Prisvinneren har lenge vært involvert i feltet som omhandler generativ AI, og har allerede vunnet flere priser. Han ble også nominert for prisen Digital Trailblazer som deles ut av GeoPublishing i forbindelse med konferansen Dig X Subsurface.
Juryens begrunnelse
Lukas is one of the outstanding geoscientists of his generation. He has pioneered the application of artificial intelligence (AI) to address geoscience and engineering challenges from the pore- to reservoir-scale. His work stands out for being genuinely innovative and significant, setting new paradigms in geoscience, particularly in the interpretation and quantitative analysis of geophysical datasets. Lukas has turned numerous academic contributions into real-world products that are used by geoscientists in commercial solutions today.
He has actively contributed to the EAGE community, particularly in fostering the next generation of geoscientists and engineers. His role in the Committee for Artificial Intelligence and as a co-organizer and committee member for EAGE Digital and Machine Learning Workshops has been pivotal and demonstrates his commitment to the enrichment and advancement of our professional community. Lukas’s achievements align with the prestigious nature of this award and embody the forward-thinking and innovative spirit that the EAGE seeks to recognize and foster, particularly among our young professionals.
Kilde: EAGE