NEXT 2024 – today and tomorrow (24. – 25. January)
In 2024, we expect the licenses for two offshore wind areas, Sørlige Nordsjø II and Utsira Nord, to be awarded. Looking further out, the Norwegian Water Resources and Energy Directorate and the Norwegian Offshore Directorate (prev. NPD) have identified 20 additional areas on the NCS that might be suitable for offshore wind farms. By 2040, the Government has aimed for 30 GW offshore wind on the NCS.
The ramp-up of new, renewable power generation on the shelf is dependent on thorough subsurface knowledge and high-resolution surveys to secure safe and optimal installation of turbines.
At the New Energy X Subsurface conference, the presenters in the session on offshore wind – Wind-Up – will dive deep into the challenges and opportunities the subsurface community faces in terms of seismic surveys, seismic processing, and the potential dangers the shallow subsurface presents.
The session keynote is given by Victoria Adestål (Equinor). She will discuss some of the key risks that need to be identified before geotechnical boreholes can be drilled when evaluating sites for future offshore wind farms. In areas with shallow gas accumulations, failure to do so can lead to catastrophic outcomes, including poisoning, explosions, and fires.