På tross av en 70 prosent økning i investeringer i offshore leting de siste fem årene , har den årlige funnraten gått kraftig ned.
«In 2010 ca. 30 billion boe of new offshore resources where discovered, while in 2014 the number was reduced to ca. 9 billion boe. The trend seems to continue in 2015, with 4 billion boe of discovered resources during the first six months of the year, skriver Rystad Energy i sitt Newsletter.
«Over the last years offshore exploration activity has been at a historical high, without any significant corresponding discoveries. poengterer Rystad Energy.» Resultatet er at den globale letekostnaden går betydelig opp.
Figuren viser funn per år og per kontinent, samt (stiplet linje) de totale investeringene i offshore leting.
De viktigste funnene i 2015 er gjort utenfor Mauritania og Mexico.
Ser vi samlet på de siste ti årene er det Brasil, Mozambique og Tanzania som peker seg ut.
«In terms of discovered volumes over the last decade, two regions stand out, South America and Africa. South America is driven by the exploration success in Brazil, where Petrobras and other companies have opened up a new frontier by targeting sub-salt prospects. In Africa the new volumes primarily come from exploration success in Mozambique and Tanzania«.
«The disappointing exploration results that we have observed over the last couple of years are important to reflect on. If exploration should be commercial in a time with low oil prices, the trend need to be turned. Based on experience, frontier exploration has proven successful and may be one way to turn around the current trend,» konkluderer Rystad Energy.
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