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Fristen for å nominere din favoritt til Exploration Innovation Prize 2021 er fredag 16. april.
Juryen vil plukke ut tre av de nominerte som får muligheten til å presentere under konferansen NCS Exploration – Recent Advances in Exploration Technology 19. og 20. mai.
Konferansedeltakerne kan stemme på sine favoritter under konferansen. Juryen vil kåre en vinner basert på stemmene og priskriteriene.
«The prize is awarded a license group, company, or team who during the last two years have given a courageous and innovative technological contribution in exploration for oil and gas on the Norwegian continental shelf.
The recipient has matured an exploration technology with high potential leading to increased G&G knowledge or future commercial oil & gas discoveries.»
Vil du nominere eller lese mer om prisen? Besøk konferansenettsidene her
I 2019 stakk Lundin Energy Norway og CGG av med prisen for utviklingen av TopSeis. De andre kandidatene i teten var EMGS og Earth Science Analytics.
Juryens begrunnelse for TopSeis
According to the criteria, the Exploration Innovation Prize is awarded a license group, company, team or person who during the last couple of years have given a courageous and innovative technological contribution in exploration for oil and gas on the Norwegian continental shelf.
Also, it is required that the recipient has matured an exploration technology with high potential that can potentially lead to increased knowledge of the subsurface or future commercial oil and gas discoveries.
TopSeis is recognized as a next-generation marine towed-streamer acquisition solution, delivering a step-change in imaging for shallow to intermediate depth targets by providing massively increased near-offset coverage from a split spread with zero offsets.
TopSeis is the outcome of five years of technical collaboration between CGG and Lundin Norway AS, with additional funding from the Norwegian Research Council.
The first full-scale 2000 km2 commercial survey over the Loppa High in the Barents Sea was acquired in 2017 with the processing finished in 2018 providing excellent results compared to the conventional data in the area.
A significantly larger 5000 km2 Multi-Client survey over Greater Castberg in the Barents Sea is planned in the summer of 2019.
The jury, consisting of all members of the program committee for the NCS Exploration Conference, is fully convinced that TopSeis fulfils the criteria as given above.