Nordic Mining vurderer en rettet emisjon på 12,95 millioner aksjer, tilsvarende 9,9 prosent av utestående kapital i selskapet, opplyses det i en melding, skriver
Selskapet har mottatt forhåndsgodkjenninger for til sammen 13 millioner kroner fra Barton Group og Verdipapirfondet Nordea Avkastning med henholdsvis åtte og fem millioner kroner hver.
I børsmeldingen skriver Nordic Mining at «Barton Group is the leading US garnet producer and distributor and has signed a Heads of Agreement related to offtake and commercial cooperation for garnet with Nordic Mining».
Les også Gjennombrudd for Nordic Mining.
Videre informerer selskapet om at «The proceeds from the Private Placement will be used primarily to finance the Company’s ongoing Definitive Feasibility Study of the Engebø project and general corporate purposes. The Definitive Feasibility Study’s main purpose is to qualify the project for bankability».
«In addition to the financing of the Engebø project, the Company will, both in the near and long-term horizon continue to assess opportunities including possible acquisitions and possible divestments. Such potential investments or acquisitions may need to be financed by new equity.»