Welcome to the New Energy Academy, where innovation meets collaboration in the subsurface energy landscape. Subsurface understanding is key to enabling the energy transition on the NCS, and subsurface understanding starts and ends with geoscientific knowledge.
The Day 1 session at the NEXT conference kicks off with Professor Christian Haug Eide (University of Bergen) and his keynote talk, aptly named Geoscience and NCS Subsurface Role in the Energy Transition.
During the remainder of the session, we will explore some of the hows and whys of CCS, from the licensing and policies of CO2 storage on the NCS from Bellona’s point of view to the European industrial carbon management strategy and Net Zero ambitions, presented by Norway’s Directorate-General Energy representative in EU, Johanna Fiksdahl.
Part 2 of the session will cover the need for monitoring CO2 storage sites through a SINTEF keynote talk, followed by a proposal by TGS on how CCS monitoring could be optimized and standardized. With efficiency, footprint, and data quality in mind, Bent Kjølhamar will argue for using lighter-weight, small-footprint 3D seismic techniques to bring down costs and make sure that future storage sites remain safe for decades and longer.
NEXT 2024
23.-25. January 2024