Migris har oppdatert sitt studium av Hoop-området fra 2014.
The updated model provides accurate calibration to all drilled wells in the Hoop and Fingerdjupet area. Maps of migration probability (Flowrisk) and risk of not having oil phase (Phaserisk) has been computed.
Altogether 40 prospect locations within the 23rd round blocks have been simulated.
The study cocludes that the probabilities for finding oil exceed 50 % in some of the 23rd round blocks, while other areas have very low probabilities for finding oil.
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Highly interesting article and perspectives and it is clear that with the ever increasing need for oil and gas on this planet (a c 2% yearly increase – last 10 years average –IEA/BP energy) must the regions be investigated. It is also clear that we must humbly admit that we are still in very early days concerning our understanding of the Petroleum Systems including fill-spill, remigration and recharge plus entrapment of this complex multi-source rock region called the Barents Sea.
A few general phenomena seem still to hold true; a) Commercial quantities of oil occurs today mainly in proximal up-dip situations in traps with bad cap rocks, and/or cap rocks which were tectonized resulting in ephemeral leakage and gas loss, or on structural heights (platforms) where the preservation potential during “ups and downs” was always higher than in rotated fault blocks. Remaining potential must be humongous based on what we know about the oil geochemistry in certain traps. b) Gas occurs largely in central basin positions where traps have massive/tight cap rocks. c) The large number of residual oil situations in even dry traps suggest massive remigration and possibly also “over-filled” systems i.e. the volume of petroleum migrating exceeded the trap-volumes, which is rare considering the world-wide situations. d) Partial biodegradation of oils and “blends of oil” is very common, and remigration of gas into old “dead- traps” which are reactivated is certainly occurring. e) Oil originating from Paleozoic plus Triassic plus Jurassic source rocks is undisputed with an unknown potential also from younger source rocks.
What this implies for the Circum Arctic is anybody’s guess, but the remaining oil and gas potential must be humongous. On the backdrop of a population growing to 11 billion in 80-90 years with an ever increasing energy demand, Norway has a special role to play in sustainable energy supply.