I en pressemelding skriver selskapet at de legger om driften i datterselskapet WesternGeco, og slutter med innsamling av seismikk både på land og offshore. Fremover skal selskapet bygge videre på det de kaller «asset-light business» for å styre sin posisjon innen multiklient, data-prosessering og salg av geofysiske tolknings-tjenester.
“With the significant changes seen in customer priorities and buying habits in recent years, we have also continued to evaluate the present and future return prospects for all of our product lines, as we look to maximize all aspects of the Company’s long-term financial performance. Based on this in-depth analysis, the only product line that does not meet our return expectations going forward, even factoring in an eventual market recovery, is our seismic acquisition business. We have therefore taken the difficult decision to exit the marine and land seismic acquisition market, and instead turn our WesternGeco product line into an asset-light business, built on our leading position within multiclient, data processing, and geophysical interpretation services.» Paal Kibsgaard, CEO