Fristen for å nominere kandidater til den nyopprettede Exploration Innovation Prize går ut om to uker.
Så langt er 10 brønner og funn nominert, i alfabetisk rekkefølge: Alta, Bone, Brasse, Cara, Filicudi, Kayak, Koigen Central, Salander, Ørnen, og Zumba. Av disse ligger 6 i Barentshavet, 1 i Norskehavet og 3 i Nordsjøen.
Exploration Innovation Prize
– The prize is awarded a license group, company, team or person who during the last two to three years have given a courageous and innovative contribution in exploration for oil and gas on the Norwegian continental shelf.
– The recipient has matured and drilled a prospect that can be defined as high risk and high potential.
– The prospect must have been drilled, but can be classified as dry, technical discovery or commercial discovery.
– The prize is awarded a license group, company, team or person who during the last two to three years have given a courageous and innovative contribution in exploration for oil and gas on the Norwegian continental shelf.
– The recipient has matured and drilled a prospect that can be defined as high risk and high potential.
– The prospect must have been drilled, but can be classified as dry, technical discovery or commercial discovery.
Programkomiteen for NCS Exploration – Recent Discoveries ønsker enda flere kandidater og oppfordrer fagfolkene til å komme med enda flere forslag.
Exploration Innovation Prize er sponset av