According to Shell, one of the largest oil companies in the world, the world’s energy need will be twice as big within the end of the century as it is today.
While we all know that renewables will play an ever-important role the next decades, the million-dollar question is if oil and gas will still play a role, small or big.
In other words: Will there be a need or Norwegian oil three generations from now? Do we have an oil industry in 2040? In 2060? In 2080? In 2100?
Resources are one prerequisite. Demand is another.
These are questions that will be addressed by Karl Eirik Schjøtt-Pedersen (Director Norsk olje & gass) and Bente Nyland (director NPD) in the forthcoming seminar February 28 in the Hydrocarbon Habitat series that we have named “A 100-year perspective”.
– Presently, 81 per cent of the world energy comes from oil, gas and coal, while only 1 per cent comes from sun and wind, says Schjøtt-Pedersen.
This may be the reason why oil consumption in 2017 increased for the 8th consecutive year. According to the BP Energy Outlook the growth in oil demand in 2016 was 1.6 per cent, reaching a level of almost 97MMbopd. Norway’s contribution was about 2MMbopd (not including gas).
– It will take a long time before renewables will be a serious substitute for fossil energy, cautions Schjøtt-Pedersen.
Read more about the seminar here
The seminar includes lunch and is FREE OF CHARGE*.
We particularly welcome the young generation that grew up with mobile phones and work stations.
Space is limited. We therefore encourage early enrolment.
*Please note that those who do not show up – after having registered – will be charged with NOK 1000.-.