Forfatter: Redaksjonen

One of the leading international conferences on deep sea minerals will be organized for the fourth time in Bergen, Norway in April, 2025. Submit your abstract by January 9th, 2025.

Hva er et jordskred, og hva skiller det fra et flomskred? To engasjerte forskere og undervisere mener de norske begrepene er for uklare og vide, og ønsker innspill til nye definisjoner og klassifiseringer gjennom en spørreundersøkelse.

Join the NCS Exploration conference in this week as we highlight some of the most recent discoveries seen in the last two years in the Barents Sea.

Three recent discoveries are competing for the Exploration Innovation Prize! They will present at the NCS Exploration conference in May, and the winner will be announced during the evening dinner.

How does exploration on the NCS compare to global exploration? What are the drivers behind the increase in NCS exploration wells? These are some of the topics that will be explored at the NCS Exploration – Recent Discoveries conference in Oslo in May.

Matt Hall was presented the Digital Trailblazer 2024 award for his years-long dedication to enabling collaboration and open-source code development within the subsurface.

THIS WEEK: We are welcoming two presenters to our session on petroleum system analysis. Join the Dig X Subsurface conference to learn how machines may help us understand how oil and gas have formed, moved, and accumulated underground.