Rystad Energy deler årlig ut priser til selskaper og personer som har utmerket seg relatert til aktivitet på og utviklingen av norsk sokkel.
Aker BP ble tildelt Gullkronen Explorer of the year 2020.
Juryens begrunnelse:
2019 has been another year without a big discovery, but high activity has yielded north of 600 MMboe with many of the discoveries representing high value such as Froskelår, Echino South, Shrek, and Telesto. The winner has worked its underground knowledge to produce clearer images of the subsurface that has led it to uncover great wealth for itself and for society. The winner follows up on its activity in 2018 to uncover more resources in the injectate sands around Alvheim which have so far resulted in up to 200 MMboe of discovered resources. The jury is impressed with the results achieved in this mature area, but would recommend the company to use less peculiar Norwegian prospect names than Rumpetroll for its next endeavors!
De nominerte til prisen var, foruten Aker BP, Equinor, Lime Petroleum og PGNiG.
Ærespris til Kåre Willoch
Gullkronen Honour Award 2020 ble tildelt tidligere statsminister Kåre Willoch.
Han har bidratt til betydelig verdiskapning gjennom sin innsats for å sikre stort mangfold av selskaper og konkurranse på norsk sokkel, han har grunnlagt Statens direkte økonomiske engasjement (SDØE), og han har lagt grunnlaget for Statens pensjonsfond utland (Oljefondet).
Juryens begrunnelse:
Kåre Willoch is awarded the Gullkronen Honour Award 2020 for securing diversity on the Norwegian continental shelf and huge value creation for Norway through his work as a parliamentarian and prime minister. His initiatives ensured healthy competition and a large number of players on the shelf. He established the State’s Direct Financial Interest in oil and gas activity (known as SDØE in Norwegian), which has brought enormous income to Norway over several decades. And last but not least, he laid down the groundwork for what is popularly known as the Petroleum Fund – now worth $1 trillion – which safeguards Norway’s oil wealth for future generations.
Equinor og Lundin ble tildelt prisen Business developer of the year.
Project developer of the year ble gitt til Equinor for utviklingen av Johan Sverdrup-feltet.
Prisen Field operator of the year gikk til Lundin for “superb operasjonell ytelse” ved feltet Edvard Grieg.