The same applies to geocientists who need to learn more about where the reamining oil an gas resources are to be found, and how they should be found.
Norway has been producing oil since 1971. That is for 47 years. The billion dollar question is if we will be producing oil for another 47 years.
According to the 2018 BP Energy Outlook, demand for oil will grow with 0.5% p.a. and that it is projected to plateau in the 2030s. Coupling that forecast with a reduced discovery rate, globally speaking, there seems to be a need for Norwegian oil many years from now.
This subject is being addressed in the Hydrocarbon Habitat seminar on Wednesday February 28.
Fee: Free for all attendees. We particularly welcome “newcomers” to attend!
In the programme:
Karl Eirik Schjøtt-Pedersen: The political framework for the oil & gas industry in Norway
Bente Nyland: 15 years with TFO and a different tax regime
Register now
Dag Bergslien: The story behind the discovery: The very first oil in the North Sea, and the troublesome appraisal towards PDO
Svein Ellingsrud: Where are the remaining hydrocarbon resources on the NCS & how do we find them?