The Paris agreement. The green transition. The low oil price. Companies disappearing. Above all: Miserable exploration results. The biggest find this yera – Brasse – may contain only up to 80MMboe. Dry wells and technical discoveries have become the rule.
The time is therefore now right to start to discuss the future of exploration and development on the NCS. Is organic growth through tedious exploration still a viable alternative? Or is it better to acquire discoveries from others?
These are topics to be discussed in Scandic Forus, Stavanger, November 1 and 2, at The Exploration Strategy Convference.
Statoil will be there. And Det norske. As well ar representatives from large, medium and small sized companies that are all seeking a bright future through successfull exploration. In addition, representatives from both Norwegian and UK authorities will give their view.
The Programme.
During the two-day conference and exhibition, we gather a multitude of players on the Norwegian Continental Shelf – governmental organizations, oil companies, oil service companies, the financial industry and consultants – in an attempt to investigate the future of exploration in mature and frontier basins.