The gas and condensate discovery in the King Lear prospect in block 2/4, located near the Ekofisk Field, crowned a challenging exploration story and led to renewed optimism for several deep plays in the area, according to Statoil.
Statoil will talk about the discovery in the conference Recent Discoveries on May 14 & 15 in Scandic Fornebu outside Oslo. The talk is entitled “Building on the King Lear discovery: Drilling more prospects to explore different plays”.
The King Lear discovery was made in turbidite sandstones of the Upper Jurassic Farsund Fm. Several wells in the license had previously been drilled into the Farsund Fm., including the 2/4-14 well in 1988-89. This well encountered a high pressure reservoir that ultimately led to an underground blow-out,requiring the drilling of a relief well (2/4-15) to restore well control.
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Statoil will also mention nearby prospects soon to be drilled in their talk.