A series of strong CSEM-anomalies in the Hammerfest Basin – on undrilled prospects – may help to revive the interest in open blocks in the Barents Sea in the upcoming APA 2016.
Stein Fanavoll with EMGS will most certainly also mention this exciting anomaly (see ilustration) at his talk at the upcoming Hydrocarbon Habitats seminars in April.
If you are sceptical towards using CSEM as a de-risking tool, this event will be an excellent opportunity to challenge your predjudiced ideas. Stein Fanavoll will be more than happy to take part in a discussion with contributions from the audience.
The anomaly shown here is most certainly associated with a structural trap, and the use of CSEM highly reduces the risk of drilling a dry well. In the forthcoming Hydrocarbon Habitats seminars on April 5 (Oslo) and April 7 (Stavanger), EMGS will present additional anomalies that are relevant for open blocks in APA 2016.
Both MCG and Searccher Seismic will use the same opportunity to present prospects in open blocks.
See the program for the seminar here.
Seminar fee
(Delegate fee prior to February 29: NOK 1,450.00 + MVA)