Few commercial discoveries are made despite many technical discoveries. Is this due to an exploration toolbox that is not sufficient for the proper de-risking of prospects?
We therefore investigate the effectiveness of both geophysical and geochemical technologies by analysing various case studies.
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Preliminary program
Who is presenting?
– Per Avseth presents «Cara vs. Zumba – geophysical derisking»
– Wim Lekens presents of Geoprovider presents «Unlocking complex migration on the Norwegian Continental Shelf»
– Richard Olstad of Pandion Energy presents «Geochemical pre-drill derisking exemplified by the Cara discovery»
– Ekaterina Gavrilova of RN Nordic presents «Updated risk analysis of prospects in the Barents Sea South-East by implementation of CSEM data»
– Dr. Robert Trice of Hurricane Energy presents «De-risking the UK’s Basement Play: Case Study from Lancaster Field»
– John Ancock presents «The silver bullet – that wasn’t. Or how to walk away from a super-giant field in Europe.»
Gigantfunn for Hurricane
Bad news for Korpfjell
Tror på gigantfunn!
The silver bullet – that wasn’t
The hunt for strat-traps